Improve your mental health, relationships, and overall wellness while honoring your cultural values.

join the waitlist

A community program by Sahaj Kaur Kohli

You are motivated to take care of your mental health, relationships, and overall wellness…

there aren’t many accessible resources that embody all of your cultural values, norms and expectations. Maybe you're not sure of what you're struggling with and are trying to figure out the language to help you express your experiences.

This community program is here to support you every step of the way.

And yet...

What you can expect:

An immersive and interactive 16-week group program that will lead the first cohort of participants (you! and 39 others!) through deep dives into specific themes, concepts, and struggles that are common in our community. 

New cohort starts early 2025...

  • 8 two-hour group virtual sessions (facilitated by Sahaj) over four months to explore nuanced bicultural topics and challenges in a supportive space 
  • Live lectures with Sahaj, community discussions, peer support, and educational takeaways
  • Self-directed learning in between sessions with guided reflections and exercises
  • 4 workbooks that include foundational language, and tailored activities
  • Indefinite access to a private group chat to lean into community wisdom with support during and after the program (and connect with other alumni from future programs)
  • Bonus: 1 hour post-program group connection call with Sahaj

Here's what will be true…

✅You can connect with – and even feel confident – in your differing cultural identities 
✅You can learn strategies for taking care of your emotional and mental wellness
✅You can learn how to make changes that feel good to you, without foregoing people and values that are important to you 
✅You can gain language and knowledge around your specific (and somewhat isolating) experiences you are sure no one else can relate to (we can!)
✅You can learn how to accept your family and loved ones for who they are

join the waitlist

Join the waitlist for early 2025

This community program is for you, if you:

  • Feel untethered and disconnected in your bicultural/multicultural identity 
  • Struggle to love others and yourself at the same time
  • Desire clarity on which stories and beliefs are truly yours, and which are inherited 
  • Want to end family and generational dysfunction
  • Unsure how to bridge cultural and generational divides in your own family 
  • Seek tools to help you manage your emotions, communicate your needs, understand your experiences, and clarify your values 
  • Search for community with other like-minded, motivated children of immigrants
  • Want to identify how your cultural identity impacts your friendships, romantic relationships, and sense of belonging in community

sounds like me, i'm in

We’re creating the space for those left out of the narrative…

Here’s a peek inside

  • Explore your differing identities and how they impact your sense of self
  • Reflect on your family’s development and maintenance of cultural identity
  • Identify experiences and ways to build bi/multicultural confidence
  • Learn ways to cope with cultural bereavement

Closing Session: A bonus session to cultivate lasting connections and supportive community

join the waitlist

Month 2

  • Reflect on how your family functions and what you’ve learned to be “normal”
  • Explore and identify what you have inherited and your family patterns
  • Understand and identify the role you play in your family
  • Learn to identify specific relational dynamics (like being the family therapist) and cultural or familial norms (like filial piety and enmeshment) and how they impact you
  • Identify and understand how family dynamics inform other relationships
  • Reflect on friendships, community, and dating
  • Explore culturally apt tools for boundary setting and communication
  • Identify changes you’d like to make in your life and whether or not you are realistically ready
  • Explore emotion regulation and learn how to manage emotions like guilt, shame, and anger

 Family Dynamics & Patterns

Month 1


Month 3


Month 4


But how do I know if I am actually ready?

I built this program so you don’t have to go it alone. You’ll be learning and unlearning alongside other community members and I’ll be facilitating this work as we go.

But the truth is: I can’t do the work for you. 

And “the work” can be painful, complicated, difficult, overwhelming, and more! I know, because I have been engaging in this work for over a decade for myself – as a mental health professional and in my own healing journey.

Only you know if you are motivated and ready. And I can’t guarantee that it will lead to the changes you want in your life (or at the speed in which you want them), but I can guarantee if you show up, lean into this work, you will gain tools that you can integrate into your life, wellness journey, relationships, and identity exploration. 

You are the expert on your own life, I am just here to hold up a mirror, gently guide you to your own answers, and support you along the way.

Sahaj Kaur Kohli

Facilitator of (Un)Learning

I’m Sahaj Kaur Kohli, a practicing therapist, a chronic pursuer of growth and healing, founder of Brown Girl Therapy, advice columnist at the Washington Post and author of But What Will People Say?

While I am coming to this program with my years of expertise, knowledge on cultural brokering, personal experiences as a daughter of immigrants and granddaughter of refugees… this program is not about me. 

My goal is to facilitate a collective space because I believe that everyone is the expert on their own life and by cultivating community wisdom, we can feel emboldened to claim our personal agency.

See what other community members have said about Sahaj’s previous workshops

"I’ve been taking a series of workshops with Brown Girl Therapy on identity, family systems, work, shame, and a few others. With each one, I've learned how one more aspect of what I’ve been calling “my personality” is actually the result of white supremacy, capitalism, misogyny, growing up bicultural, the collision of collectivism and individualism in my family, and so many other systemic forces. I am pretty obsessed with learning and unlearning the impact of the social and economic systems that I live and work inside of, and this is because every time I learn more about them, I find a little more of my true self underneath, a little more freedom, and a little more joy. Brown Girl Therapy has been a crucial part of this unlearning. It is so clear from Sahaj's writing and workshops, how personal this work is to her and that she does it fully in a spirit of service to and healing for her community. Thank you Sahaj!"

- Sonia

“Sahaj’s workshops & gatherings are a game changer! She gave me the courage to come to terms with my personal family history with shame and its impact in shaping my life outcomes.. The workshop gave substance and insight to limitations and obstacles I had been facing but had not yet been able to name or articulate. I came out of her workshop realizing I was undermining myself with my choice of words and inner attitudes, but also recognizing the family systems that created this outcome."

- S.S. Indian-Canadian female

Sahaj’s workshop is absolutely worth the investment! How do you put a price on realizing that you're not alone or broken? The Brown Girl Therapy community is one of the few places that speaks on the rarely discussed challenges of living between cultures and the pressures of belonging. Whether it's in a workshop setting or on social media, this community has been very supportive and encouraging. Perhaps our collective experience of being the other brings out more compassion and inclusivity. My life is better with the BGT community and Sahaj in it!

- Holly F. , Chinese-American

"I really enjoyed Sahaj’s workshop! It helped me in not feeling alone in all of my issues and feelings. I felt validated and seen by everyone there since we were all experiencing similar problems. I enjoyed the intimate space since there weren't a lot of us present. I also enjoyed that Sahaj allowed us to steer the conversation. She mostly just guided us with prompting questions and everyone else took it from there. From this workshop, I learned that so many others are experiencing the same things as me when it comes to dealing with living their own lives separate from their families. I felt like I belonged there."

- Jaspreet Kaur, Indian-American; female

“Sahaj is a kind-hearted, caring and daring leader. She led our sessions with grace, openness and humility. Sahaj created a culturally responsive space that acknowledged the different perspectives and identities of the participants. There was time to reflect, to discuss and to ask questions. Sahaj started by laying out the expectations of the workshop and took us through reflective, thoughtful activities that spoke to our various identities and experiences. She constantly checked-in with participants to make sure they felt safe and heard. As a Queer South-Asian, I was hesitant before the workshop to share my identity; however, during the workshop it was abundantly clear to me that Sahaj worked very hard to create a safe, intentional space that welcomed various identities. Sahaj listened to the feedback from the group and was keen on finding ways to improve her workshop. The investment was worth my time and my money; I look forward to participating in future workshops. Thank you, Sahaj, for creating the Brown Girl Therapy community. I am so grateful.”

 -A.N. (Queer, Indo-Canadian)

"This workshop was an invaluable brave space to connect with other like minded children of immigrants to discuss topics we (in some cases) didn’t even know were pain points or self limiting beliefs as strong as they were. We were able to have deep conversations with people we normally would never meet, because we came from all parts of the country (and in some cases, the world). I did meet someone who lived nearby and we are now connected on social media and hope to meet up once COVID is over. The workshop materials were researched and put together very well. Sahaj was a great facilitator. We are not broken, we are powerful beyond measure."

- Tania Bhattacharyya, Female, Bengali-American

"I attended the Identity and Productivity gathering with Brown Girl Therapy in December of 2020. Having been a lifelong overachiever, it was eye-opening to learn about the various ways culture can impact our relationships with work, whether that is our home culture or the American culture we live in now. I took pages of notes for myself, but more importantly, I was able to begin analyzing why my natural state leans towards wanting to be productive and how I can start taking a step back and be more intentional in what I do in my every day life and work. Although I’ve had a therapist supporting my journey, being able to learn from Sahaj and other participants impacted me much more and the love and validation I felt in that space is unmatched. Thank you, Sahaj, for creating this space and for your effort in educating and validating us in such thoughtful ways. I can’t wait to continue learning and growing with this community!”

- Nahid

"I am so appreciative of the community that Sahaj has created through BGT. The BGT Instagram was a great opportunity for me to become aware of Sahaj's work and to see the work being done to understand our community. Attending two Salon Gatherings in the past helped me feel the work being done to understand our community. I so appreciated the small group discussions because it helped me to feel that I was not alone, that others understood some of my history and together we can work towards understanding, healing, and growth. If you're doing it right, the work is not easy; but, it is healing, it is growing. It is comforting to do it with others and not by myself. I will continue to attend BGT events and look forward to learning more from Sahaj, the BGT Community, and myself - as I unpack what I have learned and grow to understand my powerful strengths."

- TG ( Sri Lankan American)

Will insurance cover this? 

Why did you choose 40 participants?

How are you ensuring a cohesive and safe group of people?

Is this just for women?

Are you offering any scholarships / sliding scale options?

Do I have to read But What WIll People Say to participate?

What’s the time commitment?

What if I can't make every live session?

Will the live sessions be recorded?

No, this is not therapy or an official medical/mental health program. All costs are out of pocket.

Is there a refund?

Will insurance cover this? 

Why did you choose 40 participants?

How are you ensuring a cohesive and safe group of people?

Is this just for women?

Are you offering any scholarships / sliding scale options?

Do I have to read But What WIll People Say to participate?

What’s the time commitment?

What if I can't make every live session?

Will the live sessions be recorded?

We modeled the application screening process from frameworks used in group therapy to ensure readiness, intentionality, motivation, diversity and group cohesion.

Is there a refund?

Will insurance cover this? 

Why did you choose 40 participants?

How are you ensuring a cohesive and safe group of people?

Is this just for women?

Are you offering any scholarships / sliding scale options?

Do I have to read But What WIll People Say to participate?

What’s the time commitment?

What if I can't make every live session?

Will the live sessions be recorded?

No! We will ensure a diversity of identities are present to allow for multiple different perspectives and experiences. This program is not limited to women; all who see themselves represented here are welcome.

Is there a refund?

Will insurance cover this? 

Why did you choose 40 participants?

How are you ensuring a cohesive and safe group of people?

Is this just for women?

Are you offering any scholarships / sliding scale options?

Do I have to read But What WIll People Say to participate?

What’s the time commitment?

What if I can't make every live session?

Will the live sessions be recorded?

We make sure 15% of all attendees receive these opportunities. 

Is there a refund?

Will insurance cover this? 

Why did you choose 40 participants?

How are you ensuring a cohesive and safe group of people?

Is this just for women?

Are you offering any scholarships / sliding scale options?

Do I have to read But What WIll People Say to participate?

What’s the time commitment?

What if I can't make every live session?

Will the live sessions be recorded?

No you do not! While we will dive deeper into themes and concepts in the book, it is not a requirement to have read the book to join the program. 

Is there a refund?

Will insurance cover this? 

Why did you choose 40 participants?

How are you ensuring a cohesive and safe group of people?

Is this just for women?

Are you offering any scholarships / sliding scale options?

Do I have to read But What WIll People Say to participate?

What’s the time commitment?

What if I can't make every live session?

Will the live sessions be recorded?

Ideally, you will commit to 5/8 including the first session, and then everyone will get a recording of the live lecture series (not the community discussions) from each live session.

Is there a refund?

Will insurance cover this? 

Why did you choose 40 participants?

How are you ensuring a cohesive and safe group of people?

Is this just for women?

Are you offering any scholarships / sliding scale options?

Do I have to read But What WIll People Say to participate?

What’s the time commitment?

What if I can't make every live session?

Will the live sessions be recorded?

The educational and guided exercises portions will, but the community discussions will not be to retain a sense of safety and confidentiality within the space

Is there a refund?

Frequently Asked Questions

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